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L'association Dunes d'Espoir

31 Octobre 2014, 15:43

Les associations suivantes autour du handicap sont actives sur le territoire de Dunkerque, représentatives de la façon dont nous abordons le thème du handicap...

The French delegation visits its partners in Gdynia (13-17 October 2014)

par Maison de l'Europe-Europe Direct Dunkerque Flandre 23 Octobre 2014, 13:58

From 13 to 17 October 2014, a delegation made up of 8 representatives from different Dunkirk structures, all partners in the Sport Evolution-Comenius Regio...

Basketball games and activities in Gdynia Arena - Comenius Regio continues

22 Octobre 2014, 10:11

On 15 October within the Project Sport Evolution "Learning for Life" from Comenius Regio Partnership, basketball games and activities in Gdynia Arena for...

Exhibition of the photos from Sport Evolution project

22 Octobre 2014, 06:53

The vernissage of photos dedicated to the project Sport Evolution opened the exhibition, which will be available until the end of October in Tourist Information...

Second visit in Gdynia

21 Octobre 2014, 09:22

Last week, on 13-17 October 2014, Gdynia hosted the project Sport Evolution Comenius Regio - delegation of representatives from the French city of Dunkerque...

CM2 déjà chez eux

15 Octobre 2014, 06:45

In May 2014 : our school welcomed the pupils from local primary schools for a special day. They were mixed with our pupils from 6ème to form teams of 5...

Publié depuis Overblog

14 Octobre 2014, 16:03

Polish cooking A dozen of pupils from the school college Van Hecke did cooking sessions. They were introduced to Polish culture and loved it. Each time...

Sports gear distribution

14 Octobre 2014, 16:01

Our school offers various sports classes : gymnastics, hand ball and volleyball for each level. Recently the headmaster and the coaches gave out the sports...

School cross

14 Octobre 2014, 15:57

School cross On the 6th of October, all the pupils from the school were to run for the cross-country race. They were very fortunate as the sun was shining...

Integration day in Van Hecke

14 Octobre 2014, 15:14

Integration day At the beginning of the school year, all the pupils in 6è (the youngest classes in the school) went to an integration day on the 15th of...

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